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Debate erupts over Japan-backed transition finance guidelines for S-E Asia
Only 16% Of Asia’s Listed Food Companies Disclose Core ESG Sourcing Risks
Less than a fifth of Asia food companies have a sustainable sourcing policy for meat and other proteins
Only 16% of Asia’s listed food companies disclose core ESG sourcing risks
Less than a fifth of Asia food companies have a sustainable sourcing policy for meat and other proteins - BusinessWorld Online
Asian Food Companies Are Failing To Disclose Core ESG Sourcing Risks, New Study Finds
Less than 20% of Asia’s listed food buyers recognise animal protein sourcing risks: study
Vast Majority of Asia Food Firms Fall Short on Meat Source Reporting
Less than 20% of Asia’s listed food buyers recognise animal protein sourcing risks: study
Investor Group With $4.7 Trillion Says Asian Banks Are Failing on Climate Change

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Protein Transition Portal