分析师/研究员(中国分公司 - 北京)

ARE(Asia Research & Engagement) 致力于代表一些国际机构投资者,将他们对可持续发展的愿景带到亚洲紧迫的可持续发展事业中。 ARE 在亚洲构建和实施协作参与计划,召集投资者联盟来解决战略性的可持续问题,并利用沟通对话促使企业决策者加快就气候变化相关议题的转型。我们的主要专业领域是能源转型及其融资、可持续蛋白质和可持续房地产。在能源转型领域中,我们关注的目标是银行金融业、能源电力行业和工业(含钢铁、水泥等)领域的企业。如想了解更多信息,可前往http://asiareengage.com

加入 ARE 中国,成为北京办公室的一员,对于任何想在研究、投资和可持续发展领域有进一步发展意愿的人来说都将是个令人兴奋的机会。ARE拥有开放的发展文化,并提供国际视野、有竞争力的全行业薪酬和良好的发展空间与团队氛围。我们寻求两位全职分析师/研究员,将主要负责气候变化与能源转型相关的研究和参与工作。随着工作范围的逐步扩大,也会扩展到可持续蛋白质项目和可持续房地产领域。 该员工将支持中国区负责人为目标企业和投资者建立联系,完成就气候变化和转型主题方面的研究,以帮助企业加深对可持续发展问题的理解。



  • 有较强的抗压能力、团队合作意识和求知欲
  • 有在多元文化背景下工作的经验
  • 高度关注细节,能够在截止日期前高效管理并完成多个项目
  • 有较强的分析问题和解决问题的能力,能够提出建设性的解决方案
  • 出色的沟通、表达和文字编辑能力



  • 支持与企业和投资者的联系和沟通,通过安排见面会议、演讲演示和信息交流沟通来拓展业务和加深与对方的商务联系
  • 就可持续发展、财务数据和经济活动进行分析并生成相关数据和报告,包括对一些公司的基准分析、ESG 政策和公司运营活动等的分析
  • 独立/或与新加坡团队一起建立并使用研究模型与框架
  • 与中国和新加坡的团队成员合作撰写研究出版物及其他文字内容,包括报告、演讲稿、博客、文章等
  • 支持团队成员维护和更新关于公司目标、监管政策以及金融和能源相关部门变化的研究的数据库
  • 确保信息的高质量和准确性,并成为一些领域的专家



  • 我们寻求一名具有1-3年经验的初级研究员和一名具有4-6年工作经验的高级分析师。需要具有投资、新闻、金融、可持续发展或其他相关行业的经验并具备相应的技能
  • 能够很好地理解环境问题导致的商业风险与机遇
  • 具备相关学习或学术背景,如经济、金融、商业或环境管理
  • 具有研究、分析和基准线研究的经验,尤其优先考虑在能源、气候变化或可持续发展相关领域有经验者
  • 优先考虑有钢铁或其他重工业领域经验者
  • 优先考虑拥有投资或信贷机构中进行过环境主题和特定行业研究方面的经验者


如您有意向,请将您的中英文简历及英文求职信发送至  [email protected]



ARE Job Description – Research Analyst (China office – Beijing)

Asia Research and Engagement (ARE) is an inspiring company founded in Singapore 10 years ago to activate purpose and work towards a sustainable and compassionate Asia for a better tomorrow. 

ARE brings the voice of investors to Asia’s sustainable development challenges. We run collaborative engagement programmes across Asia, which assemble coalitions of investors to address strategic sustainability issues and use dialogue as the tool to create change with senior business decision makers. Our main areas of expertise are energy transition and its financing, sustainable protein, and sustainable real estate. Within energy transition we currently target banks and power companies and will soon extend to other sectors that are major users or producers of energy.

We are looking for two Research team members to be responsible for research and engagement work, mainly on Climate change and Energy Transition but also may extend to Sustainable Protein and Sustainable Real Estate as the scope of work grows. The Analysts will support the Country Director to develop relationships with companies and investors and will be expert in producing research on climate and transition topics to help develop a deeper understanding of sustainability issues. The role holders will collaborate with the head office in Singapore and externally with companies and regulators.

Being part of the new Beijing office is an exciting opportunity for anyone who wants to develop and grow their skills in research, investment and sustainability topics. ARE has an open minded developmental culture where the team learn from every interaction with an international perspective. We offer competitive benefits and an environment where the work you do will make a difference.


Required attributes:

  • Tenacious, collaborative and intellectually curious
  • Able to work in a multi-cultural context
  • High attention to detail and ability to manage multiple deadlines
  • Identify themes, recognise issues and be able to discuss constructive solutions
  • Excellent communication, presentation and writing skills


Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Support engagement and communication with companies and investors to develop and influence business relationships by arranging meetings, presenting and sharing information
  • Conduct research and produce data on sustainability, finance and economic analysis including benchmarking analysis of other companies, ESG policies and activities
  • Establish and work with research frameworks independently and within the wider Asia team
  • Collaborate with team members in China and Singapore on research publications and writing communications including reports, presentations, blogs, articles etc.
  • Support the team in maintaining and updating a database of research on corporate targets, regulatory policies and changes across finance and energy related sectors
  • Ensure quality and accuracy of information and be a knowledge manager in specific markets


Requirements and competencies:

  • We are hiring one Junior Researcher with 1-3 years work experience and one Senior Researcher with 4-6 years previous work experience. Experience in Investment, Journalism, Finance, Sustainability or other relevant sectors with the appropriate skill set would be an advantage
  • A good understanding of how environmental concerns relate to business risks and opportunities
  • Relevant academic background such as Economics, Finance, Business or Environmental management
  • Experience in research, analysis and benchmarking, preferably in energy, carbon or sustainability
  • Experience of steel and/or industry experience would be an advantage
  • Preferred experience and knowledge of investment or credit teams on environmental topics and sector specific research


Interested in this position? Please send your CV and a short cover letter to: [email protected]

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