Ten institutional investors representing US$ $7.4 trillion
Addresses the banking, power, and steel sectors across 10 Asian markets
Uses direct engagement, investor group meetings, AGM attendance, company and issue-based research, voting analysis, and media
Direct access in China through our new Beijing subsidiary
Collaboration with civil society actors
Catalysed a large Japanese bank to enhance its transition risk management approach, identifying and supporting high-risk clients to progress to net zero following two years of discussions.
Catalysed two Chinese banks to measure financed emissions across their portfolios following investor requests over multiple years.
Conducted direct engagement with 11 banks and utilities, and five investor-backed engagements in the first half of 2024.
Attended 19 AGMs covering power, steel, and banking giants in the Philippines and China.
Published ‘Shifting Gears: Key Asian Banks Can Accelerate the Energy Transition’ which assesses nine leading banks in Japan, Singapore, and South Korea on their approach to climate change and progress toward achieving net-zero emissions in their loan portfolios by 2050.